We make running a business easy with no-code automation, custom software integration & useful self-service tools.

So, you want your business to be a whole lot more profitable than it currently is. After all, isn’t having more time, financial freedom and flexibility the reason you started your business in the first place?

Whether you’re not entirely sure how to start improving your business and it’s cash flow or you’ve tried everything you can think of to stop things falling through the cracks from trying to automate invoice reminders to using Zapier to connect multiple databases and subscriptions.

At the Catalysis Group, we’ll help you diagnose the unknown cause that is halting your growth; giving you the power to quickly and efficiently improve your business.

So what does this mean exactly? It means:

We specialise in:

1. Software Integration &

No-Code Automation

We find solutions to optimize your workflows,  automate your processes and free up your time for more important things. We enable Robotic Process Automation, integrating systems and automating processes to solve specific problems within your business.  Need to automate your book keeping in Xero or have key information available/ updated across many systems? We can help.

2. Process Re-Design &


We'll flip your current processes and systems on their head. Put simply; we’re going to find a more effective way for your business to thrive, so you can see results that at one stage, felt impossible.  Team complaining their isn't enough time to get everything done? We'll help streamline the process and give them the best possible environment to perform

3. In House Technology &

Process Champion

Can't afford a full time technology champion. You don't need to! We’ll dive deep into your business goals, expectations and overall objective so we can best help you accelerate your business profitably and sustainably. We provide cost-effective access to a team of technology specialists and process guru's to help fill the gaps and provide clarity and consistency to your business operations so you can focus on your strengths. 

Here are a few ideas if you are unsure what could be done.

Don't want to do the books anymore?

We'll connect your ecommerce store with Xero and notify you bookkeeper that their ready

System records don't match or take too much time to update?

We'll update your CRM & key systems for you as clients interact and projects progress.

So Where Do You Start? 

Watch this short 3min video for a quick self audit about your current task and then book in a call to ask what we can automate or check out our preferred automation tool to help you dip your toes into automation. Get Making!

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